Saturday, October 27, 2012

Home Studied

Maddy makes herself comfortable

We're done!  ...pretty much.  We met for the last time with the social worker administering our home study earlier this month to hand in a bit more paperwork and cover some final topics.  The rough draft is in production now, we'll get a chance to read through it and comment.  Once it's been published,  A Step Ahead will use it to introduce us to adoption agencies.  It's our calling card, our foot in the door.  It says that Sean and Emily are a well adjusted, loving couple who can't wait to accept a child into their home.  We're paraphrasing of course, but you get the idea.

Now we move on to the profile, we'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Here's to Family


We've met with the social worker administering our home study twice now, one more to go.  Almost there, and it feels good.  The paperwork is still a headache, but it's well worth the effort when you consider the objective! 

During this last meet we discussed our family histories.  While reflecting, we both realized again how grateful we are to our families for their love and support.  Can't say it enough really.  You have informed our identities in so many important and positive ways!