Monday, January 28, 2013

Pajama Dinner

As I was leaving work one day last week, I read a text from my neighbor that said "Come to dinner, we'll have fish so you can eat too...and Friday is pajama night so don't come overdressed!"

This family adopted a 2 1/2 year old boy named TJ from Ethiopia three years ago.  He is smart, funny and obsessed with our dog.  He has also made a friend in 'Mr. Sean.'  It's times like these that I simply have to say yes, you were right God.  Moving across the country was all part of the plan.  God knew we needed adoption encouragement - we just didn't know they would live 30 yards from us.

So I knocked on the door later that night and their son answered in his adorable, too small spaceship PJ's.  He looked me up and down, then said "Yes, those are pajamas.  You may come in."  As we were eating, our adoption journey came up and TJ entered the dialogue by asking if our kids will be brown like him.  "I'm not sure what color they'll be," I told him, "but I know they'll be great just like you TJ!"

I don't know who our kids will be, where they'll come from, what color skin they'll have or what type of pajamas they'll like to wear.  But I do know that we'll teach them all about adoption and their unique heritage.  And my hope is that our kids will be embrace their differences and love their story just like TJ does.

After dinner I walked across the lawn to our house holding onto this family's love and encouragement.  I made a mental note to myself that Friday Pajama Dinner is a tradition I'll be sure to start with our children.  You're all welcome to join us, just don't come overdressed!

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